SiTiming - Terms & Conditions Of Use

Each organisation/company purchases a licence that permits SiTiming to be used to provide timing, scoring, safety monitoring and results at the events or activities it presents. Timing/results data stored in an SiTiming database may only be shared with other applications that present times/results by prior agreement with SPORTident UK. Infringement of any of the Terms & Conditions may lead to the revocation of the SiTiming Licence.

The Annual or Five Year Licence Fee Includes:

  • The software can be installed on multiple computers owned by the organisation and on computers owned by the organisation/company's members/employees in conjunction with the work of the organisation.
  • Software upgrades - at SPORTident we believe that it is better to allow organisations to apply all upgrades at no additional cost. You benefit from the latest enhancements and fixes and it is much easier for us to support the most recent version.
  • Support for one key member/employee of the organisation/company who is then responsible for supporting other users within the organisation/company.
  • Assisting a new organisation/company with the installation of SiTiming.
  • Setting up your first event and 1.5 hours of support per year by telephone, email and Skype. If you are using SiTiming to provide a Timing/Results Service for another organisation, all support time is chargeable.
  • Advice and support for the purchase and configuration of hardware to provide live timing solutions is not included in the licence fee.
  • An Annual Complex Scoring licence fee includes 1 hour of support per year by telephone, email and Skype.

Software Support outside the provisions described above is available by telephone, email and Skype before, during and after an event is charged at £57 per hour to an organisation with a Commercial Licence and at £46 per hour to an organisation with the Discounted Licence.

Before contacting us for support, you are required to consult the SiTiming User Guide and the Context Dependent Help in the software and check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Most questions are answered in the User Guide and supporting documentation.

Day Licence

Organisations must purchase a One Year Licence before the first event for which they use SiTiming. We will help you with the installation of SiTiming, setting up your first event and will provide 1.5 hours of support in each year that you purchase a one year licence.

Organisations that have already purchased a one year licence and only organise a few events each year may purchase a Day Licence for events in the 2nd and subsequent years. Each event day is charged a Day Licence. If for example an event takes place on both Saturday and Sunday, 2 Day Licences are required. No assistance or support is provided with the Day Licence but Software Support may be purchased separately at the hourly rates detailed above.

Series Calculator

There is a once only charge to develop, configure, test and incorporate the algorithm for your series results in the SiTiming Series Calculator. We will provide an estimate for this work before we undertake it. In a typical case this it will be 2 hours work – between £92 - £114. If your series calculation needs to change in the future, there is a further charge for the time we spend developing, configuring, testing and incorporating the new algorithm in SiTiming. If we are administering your series results throughout the year which includes the resolution of queries and anomalies, there is also a charge of £39 per event.

Using SiTiming to Provide A Timing/Results Service For Another Organisation

Organisations that are paid to provide a timing/results service must purchase a One Year Commercial Licence. SiTiming licensees are also charged the appropriate additional Day Licence fee for each event day they provide timing/results for an event which is owned, is for the benefit of or is underwritten by an unlicensed organisation. The amount owing for these Day Licences will be collected by invoice at the end of the licensing period.

Using SiTiming for Major Events With More than 1,500 Entries

A significant amount of additional performance testing and optimisation of the software allows it to be used for Major Events on laptops with modest processing power. At the same time, we need to ensure that the cost of the licence for small clubs that only organise a few small events each year remains affordable and is not impacted by this work. If you are organising a Major Event we charge 10p (incl VAT) per individual entry for each event day.

If your organisation has already paid for an annual licence or day licence for the event, this will be deducted from the fee we charge for the Major Event Licence. The amount owing for Major Event Day Licences will be collected by invoice post event.